Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This Is a No Holds Barred Blog

I am not walking on eggshells anymore. I am feeling alienated from my current support systems. I am a student with bipolar, temporal lobe epilepsy, PTSD, anxiety disorder.. pretty much everything. It makes life pretty farging tough. I am getting help, whether I have to do it on my own or I'm backed by others. I am philosophical, poetic, creative, and certifiably insane. They diagnose it as various things, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm insane. I don't think like others. Call it genius or insanity, doesn't bother me. Aren't they intimately linked, anyway?

So here you will hear the thoughts of someone who has been through it all. I have been neglected, homeless, abused, raped, molested, manipulated, betrayed... and yet I do better than you'd think. Yeah, I have more issues than National Geographic, but who cares? My abuse has happened at the hands of many different people and many different situations. I'll reveal that later, but for now, know that things haven't been easy for me. Things probably haven't been easy for you, either. People tend to keep silent and there is more pain in this world than we think. This blog will contain my rants, my thoughts on abuse, day to day stuff, and gradually, the story of what happened. I am not expecting many visitors, but if you are here and you could leave a kind word, that would be fantastic. Oh, and to let you know that it's not all doom and gloom- certain things help me cope or feel better, and I will share them here with you. So you should get some entertainment as well. Fantasticus!

1 comment:

thelittlestsurvivor said...

i think you are brilliant! and almost everyone i know is a little bit crazy it shows character...